Thursday, October 5, 2006

I 'Heart' DC

Have you ever stopped to think about how insanely lucky we all are to live here, right here in DC? Have you ever walked along 14th St. and stopped to notice the Washington Monument, encircled in flags on one your left and the U.S. Capitol on your right; or looked out the window of the metro train after Regan Airport or driving on 395 and watched the skyline come into view? Not the tall, light abstructing steel and glass adorned buildings that define cities such a New York or LA, but the more subdued, prestigious, marble clad monuments that rise up above the Potomac?

Today marks my 4th anniversery as an official resident of the District of Columbia.

Four years ago I packed everything I could into MK’s teeny tiny little Silver Saturn and pulled onto the Indiana toll road with REM's “It’s the end of the world as we know it” blaring on the radio. Without jobs, without ever having seeing the hole-in-the-wall we’d leased (a 2 room converted attic that we thought was just the coolest place we’d ever seen), without the good sense to be nervous.

Well the past four years have FLOWN by, a lot of ups and downs, such is life I suppose. I’ve lived in two fabulous apartments since growing tired of the two-room palace on 19th street, got my kitten, boys have come and gone and come back again, I was diagnosed with cancer 6 months after my arrival, found my calling in life and a job I adore, kicked cancer’s ass, I've gone to innagural balls, made wonderful friends, and at the end of the day, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

So thank you, DC for being so good to me and for helping me become the person I am today (for better or worse).

Bring on the next four years - I'm ready!


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